By Tracey Watson
Nearly 40 percent of young consumers in America SHUN commercial antiperspirants in favor of “natural” deodorants
There was a time when walking around with deodorant-free – and even unwashed – armpits was quite normal. In fact, deodorants were a commercial failure when they were first launched in the late 1800s, with people believing that bathing regularly, avoiding exercise, staying out of the sun and covering themselves in perfume were the best […]
By Kristine Payne
Are you poisoning yourself with conventional deodorants?
Sweating is a perfectly natural process that your body needs to do on a regular basis in order to stay healthy. It helps to regulate your body temperature and allows your skin to expel harmful toxins from your body. The only downside to this is that bacteria tend to thrive in the sweaty areas of your […]
By Ethan Huff
CLAIM: Kylie Cosmetics products are a stew of toxic ingredients including artificial colors and synthetic chemicals
The mainstream news is awash with stories of flattery and praise for Kylie Kardashian Jenner, the youngest daughter of former Olympic athlete-turned-transgender Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner, for becoming the youngest self-made billionaire ever at just 21 years old. But Jenner accomplished this feat not with honesty and integrity, but rather by selling overpriced and highly-toxic beauty […]
By Derek Henry
The many ways conventional deodorant threatens your health
Odor and wetness shouldn’t come with a price greater than the cost of a deodorant stick, but unfortunately there is mounting evidence that when you buy conventional deodorant, you not only pay now, but you also pay later in medical expenses. Do you really want to be that guy or girl that cheaps out on deodorant, […]
By Derek Henry
4 personal care products you can pitch in the trash (and replace with something much better)
It can be a tough pill to swallow to discover that nearly everything we have been eating, drinking, breathing, and putting on our skin has been laced with toxic ingredients that have zero value for our bodies. However, it’s even tougher to deal with the fall-out of these poisons if we don’t adjust our lifestyle […]
By Isabelle Z.
Switzerland may BAN aluminum salts used in deodorants because they cause cancer
Concerns about the link between the aluminum salts used in deodorant and breast cancer have hit a fever pitch in Switzerland, where a new bill was passed on May 5 that could ban the ingredient entirely. It will also fund further research into the role aluminum salts play in breast cancer. The bill won approval […]
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